Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Its life, get over it already!!

Since apparently no one reads my blog, I'm going to use this particular page as my venting station. The economy has taken a huge dump in the middle of a pool making it uninhabitable, it has taken such a steep nosedive that it may never recover...no matter how you look at it, the world today sucks, but you know what? I have my family, and they are healthy! What frustrates me however, is the fact that I bust my ass day in and day out to get ahead. Now I don't want to get way far ahead, or even have any ambitions right now to do anything more than just get my head above the uninhabitable water, but it definitely isn't easy! When I was younger, I had a relationship with someone and got pregnant. It wasn't anything that was planned, but I also wouldn't change it for the world. However, 8 years later, apparently I got pregnant all by myself...or at least that's what the $4300.00 in back child support says. I mean really, is it so hard to pay your child $138 a month to be able to get the things he needs??? Really? He is MY top priority, and I try my hardest every single day to make sure he wants for nothing, that he has everything he needs, and doesn't know we are dirt poor. I know most mothers, and even a lot of families go through this, but really, is it so hard to ask the other half that is responsible for the conception of a child to step up and take care of his responsibilities? I am so frustrated, because he we are starting another school year, and I don't know if I can even scrape up $20 to go to goodwill to get him some "new" used school clothes because he is now in the stage of his life where he is going to grow like a weed. It is almost worth a trip back down to Utah to go find the other half and vent my frustration. Sorry this sounds like a rant, but it is, Of course I really don't have to worry about it since no one reads my blog anyway.

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