Monday, October 4, 2010

Just another day

So yeah...I am supposed to be working on my Religions of the world Hinduism report, and my protein article search for my Nutrition class...So why am I here? Because I absolutely cannot figure out for the entire life of me, how to get motivated. :( I am so sick of how my life is going right now, but I dont know how to change it. I had a good motivation technique when I was in Utah working at McDonalds...get the hell out. Now that I am out, I have lost it. I'm not sure what I am going to do now other than do the best I can and hope things work out. Maybe it is time for the meds again. God I hate yo-yoing. My family definitely doesnt deserve the roller coaster ride. My poor sweet awesome amazing husband puts up with so much. Guess tomorrow is a new day, and I gotta make the best out of this one that I can.

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